Rhinoplasty in Iran – ADL Hospital 2023 best surgeons

Rhinoplasty in Iran

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Rhinoplasty in Iran – best surgeons

Rhinoplasty in Iran, often referred to as a “nose job,” is a type of plastic surgery that involves reshaping or modifying the nose for cosmetic or functional reasons.

Rhinoplasty in Iran is one of the types of cosmetic surgery that is used to fix nose defects. There are different types of this surgery that can be performed according to the taste and structure of the nose.

Rhinoplasty can be exciting. In fact, a new nose can give you more confidence, harmonize your facial features, and subtly change your appearance. Today, many people are looking for a nose job.

But is rhinoplasty worth its complications? Is the risk of rhinoplasty high? What care does nose surgery require? How to find a professional nose surgeon for surgery? In the following, we will answer all your questions about nose surgery.

Reasons for rhinoplasty in Iran

People may choose to undergo rhinoplasty for a variety of reasons:

1. Cosmetic: To improve the appearance of the nose by altering its size, angle, or shape. This might be due to personal preferences or to achieve a more harmonious balance with other facial features.

2. Functional: To correct structural issues that lead to breathing problems, often related to the septum which is the wall separating the two nostrils.

3. Reconstructive: To restore the shape and function of the nose following trauma, disease, or congenital defects.

What is rhinoplasty?

Nose surgery causes a change in the shape and appearance of the nose. The effect of nose job on beauty is very high and that is why it is popular. Rhinoplasty surgery is performed to fit the nose to the face.

Rhinoplasty is also performed to solve respiratory disorders and solve structural defects in the nose. Septoplasty or nose deviation surgery is one of these surgeries. In general, the following disadvantages and problems can be solved with rhinoplasty:

  • Coordination between nose and face size
  • Reducing the width of the nose and correcting the position of the nostrils
  • A hump on the nasal septum or its depression
  • Correction of the tip of a large or drooping nose
  • Reducing the size of large nostrils
  • Correction of nasal asymmetry

rhinoplasty in Iran is a common surgery performed by a plastic surgeon or an otolaryngologist. This procedure does not require hospitalization, and you can perform nose surgery in the morning and return home by the afternoon.
During rhinoplasty in Iran , the patient is under general anesthesia. For this reason, a person does not feel any pain during rhinoplasty surgery.

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Important points during nose surgery consultation in Iran

Rhinoplasty, like other surgeries, requires preparations and actions. Following the tips before surgery is to reduce possible complications and minimize the risks of surgery.

Send high-quality photos from different directions of the face
Front view photo
Photo from the side of the face
Photo from under the nose
You can also send a short video that includes all directions of the nose

If you have already had surgery on the nose, let us know

If your nose has been hurt before, let us know

If you have trouble breathing, let us know

If you have an illness, let us know

Discuss with the surgeon if you are taking medication

If you have anemia, treat it before traveling to Iran

10 days before nose surgery, stop drinking alcohol and smoking
Brothers, two weeks after nose surgery in Iran, stop drinking alcohol and smoking

Be careful of colds, if you have a cold, your nose operation will be delayed

Are there different types of rhinoplasty? (types of nose surgery)

To perform rhinoplasty in Iran, the bones of the face and nose must be fully mature (men’s nose surgery). rhinoplasty in Iran is performed to improve the appearance or reconstruct the nose and can change the size of the nose as well as its length and width. The tip of the nose, the nostrils and the symmetry of the nose may also change. Sometimes, during surgery, grafted cartilages from other areas of the body such as ears or ribs may be used to strengthen the nose structure. In the rest of this article, we will examine the types of nose surgery in Iran.

1. rhinoplasty

What is the difference between rhinoplasty and nose surgery? The upper part of the nasal structure is bony and the lower part is cartilaginous. Rhinoplasty or nose surgery can change the bone, cartilage, skin or all three. There are different methods for rhinoplasty, but the most common method involves a small incision on the root of the nasal septum and between the nostrils. This incision allows the surgeon to free the skin from the underlying bones and cartilage and then make the necessary changes in the bone and cartilage of the nose. After the nose job, the skin can be put back in place.

2. Cosmetic surgery for broken noses and cosmetic surgery for crooked noses

Rhinoplasty is also performed to repair nasal fractures. The purpose of this operation is to repair fractures and restore the appearance of the nose before the injury.

3. Sept rhinoplasty

This method is used for patients who have nasal obstruction or deviation. Sept rhinoplasty not only improves the appearance of the nose, but also removes internal obstructions and structures that impede breathing.

4. Nasal polyp surgery

Not all nose surgeries are cosmetic procedures and some are performed with therapeutic intent. For example, one of the surgeries performed is for nasal polyps. Nasal polyp operation can be therapeutic for those who have difficulty speaking or breathing. Polyps can cause problems in the passage of air in the airways. But what is a polyp? You can imagine that a bag full of phlegm is stuck inside your nose, making it difficult for you to breathe.

For polyp surgery, you should see an ear, nose and throat specialist. This specialist can remove your polyp with a simple surgery. Polyps are caused by various reasons, one of the most common of which is sensitivity and allergy. One of the main treatments for polyps is surgery

5. Is closed or open nose surgery better?

Nose surgery is performed in two ways. Open and closed surgery are two different approaches in rhinoplasty in Iran. In the closed procedure, the incisions are hidden inside the nose. In the open nose procedure, an external cut is made on the columella (the fleshy part between the nostrils) and the nostrils are separated.

In cases where easier access and increased vision are needed, open rhinoplasty is recommended. In this method, the surgeon has access to the structure of the nose, especially the tip of the nose. Closed rhinoplasty is performed for minor corrections and small changes in the shape of the nose. This method is less invasive and the healing process is faster. Since the incisions are made inside the nose, there will be no visible scars.

6. Plastic nose surgery and cartilaginous nose surgery

Fleshy noses usually have less cartilage and are more common in men (male nose job). These types of noses are completely fleshy, especially at the tip of the nose, and the skin is thick in this area. It is more difficult to operate a fleshy nose than a bony nose. In the past, most of the people who had a fleshy nose were not satisfied with the result of their surgery and even some doctors advised these people to stop the operation. Because in the past, the cartilage tissue and the tissue difference in fleshy and bony noses had not been studied. But today, cosmetic surgery deals with the repair and correction of cartilages.

During the operation of fleshy and wide nose and very large fleshy nose, the surgeon may add artificial cartilage to the fleshy tissue of the nose. Open surgical technique is used for meat nose surgery so that there is good access to internal tissues.

To perform rhinoplasty in Iran to reduce the width of the fleshy nose, a person must be fully matured. Because there is a possibility of growth in parts of the face and body during this period. Rhinoplasty usually takes 2 to 3 hours. Some people also prefer meat nose lift or use nose lift glue.

7. Bone nose surgery

Bony noses are mostly composed of bone and cartilage and their skin is thin. Bone nose operation is easier than meat nose. Because the skin of the nose is thinner in this state and the plastic surgeon has more possibilities to change the shape of the nose. Crooked noses are one of the bony noses, and usually the results of this nose model are better than fleshy noses.

8. Natural beauty nose job

One of the types of nose surgery is natural meat nose surgery or natural bone rhinoplasty in Iran, which has gained many fans today. Note that in general, this type of rhinoplasty in Iran does not exist externally and it cannot be said that it is a type of rhinoplasty. But when the nose is not fancy and has not changed much from what it was, the nose has undergone natural rhinoplasty.

Today, few people tend to be too different from their real appearance. Most people want to perfect their natural appearance. If their nose has a hump, that hump should be removed but it should look like the nose has been in the same position since the beginning and has not changed much.

Normal nose surgery can be open or closed. On the other hand, it is possible to perform natural nose surgery on fleshy and bony noses, but the best result is natural nose surgery on a bony nose. Usually fleshy noses show more surgery than bony noses. On the other hand, bone nose surgery is much easier and has better results.

9. Doll nose surgery or fantasy nose surgery

Doll flesh nose surgery or doll bone nose surgery is one of the types of nose plastic surgery in which the patient’s nose becomes similar to the nose of dolls. This surgery is called fantasy nose surgery because the client’s nose will have an arch and an upturned tip. This surgery has its own fans and usually people who do this surgery will have very small noses later.

One of the most important problems that may arise for a person in the operation of a doll nose is that his nose becomes too small and the person cannot breathe well. Also, one of the other problems that may arise for a person who performs nose surgery is that the nose fits the size of the face and is not beautiful in terms of size.

Of course, as it was said, this surgery has its own audience and Taliban, and those who want to do this surgery usually do not care about the complications it causes. Nowadays, not many people like this model of nose surgery anymore and prefer natural surgeries. Because collective taste goes towards natural beauty.

10. Semi-fantasy nose job

The semi-fantasy nose job is clear from its name as to what it will look like. In this surgery, your nose will not be completely doll or fancy. Its size is not too small and it is not necessary to change the nose of a doll. It is interesting to know that the semi-fantasy nose surgery has many fans and is one of the most popular nose surgery procedures today.

This surgery is in such a way that the size of the nose is not reduced and the size of the other parts of the face is changed. Then a doll arch is given to the nose and makes the face semi-fantasy. Of course, the tip of the nose is raised slightly, which is not so high that it creates a strange change, and it is not so low that it is imperceptible like a normal nose job. To perform this surgery, it is better to make an appointment with the best rhinoplasty doctor in Tehran and other cities.

11. Nose tip reduction and nose beauty without surgery

In addition to rhinoplasty, there are also non-surgical methods. These methods are non-invasive and do not have a recovery period for rhinoplasty. But since they do not cause significant changes in the appearance of the nose and require annual renewal, many people still prefer rhinoplasty.

Nose fillers can be used to make the nose smaller without surgery. Filler is actually a special gel that is done by injecting nasal filler into the area of the nose blade and tip. By removing the hump of the nose and shaping the tip of the nose, vision error is created and the nose appears smaller.

Procedure rhinoplasty in Iran

Rhinoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes incisions to access the bones and cartilage that support the nose. Depending on the desired result, some bone and cartilage may be removed, or tissue may be added (either from another part of the body or using a synthetic filler).

The incisions are usually made inside the nose so they are invisible after the surgery. Once the surgeon has reshaped the bone and cartilage, the skin and tissue are redropped over the structure of the nose, and a splint is placed outside the nose to support the new shape as it heals.

Recovery after rhinoplasty in Iran

Recovery from rhinoplasty can vary, but patients typically wear a nasal splint for the first week. Swelling and bruising around the eyes can occur and begin to improve after the third day. It can take up to two weeks for these effects to disappear completely.

Complete healing, particularly for the final shape to settle, can take up to a year or more. Thus, patience is required before the final outcome of the surgery is fully visible.

Risks and Considerations

As with any surgical procedure, rhinoplasty carries risks including infection, bleeding, adverse reactions to anesthesia, and dissatisfaction with cosmetic results. It’s important to discuss these potential risks with your surgeon.

A successful rhinoplasty requires careful planning, a clear understanding of patient expectations, and a skilled and experienced surgeon. It’s important for patients to have realistic expectations about what the surgery can achieve.

Before deciding to undergo rhinoplasty, you should have a detailed discussion with your doctor about your goals and expectations, and understand the potential risks and benefits of the procedure.

How long does it usually take for the swelling and bruising to go away after rhinoplasty?

The timeline for recovery from rhinoplasty in Iran can vary depending on the individual and the complexity of the surgery. However, here is a general timeline:

– First Week:

The most significant swelling and bruising typically occurs during the first week following surgery. During this time, you’ll likely have a splint on your nose, and there may be bandages. It’s recommended to rest and keep your head elevated as much as possible to help reduce swelling.

– Second Week:

By the second week, any non-dissolvable stitches and the nasal splint are usually removed. Much of the initial swelling and bruising should start to subside, but it’s normal for some degree of swelling to persist. Many people feel comfortable returning to work or social activities around this time, possibly sooner for remote or non-public-facing work.

– One Month:

A lot of the noticeable swelling will likely have gone down by this point, but it’s normal for some minor swelling to persist. This residual swelling is usually only noticeable to you and your surgeon.

– Six Months to One Year:

The final shape of your nose will gradually become apparent as the months go on. It can take up to a year (or even longer in some cases) for all the swelling to fully resolve and for your nose to settle into its new shape.

Remember that every person’s healing process is unique, and this timeline might not exactly match your experience. Always follow your surgeon’s specific advice for aftercare and recovery.

عملية تجميل الأنف في إيران

Use of tampons after rhinoplasty in Iran

Many people are worried about using tampons after rhinoplasty in Iran. A tampon is actually a sterile gas that is placed inside the nostrils. A tampon is used to absorb blood and fluids secreted from the nose. In all nose surgery procedures such as rhinoplasty and septoplasty, tampons are used to reduce nosebleeds after cosmetic surgery.

Some doctors use an intranasal tube after surgery. These tubes are called internal nasal splints. It is a silicone tubular splint and is mostly used in nasal septum deviation surgery (septoplasty). In addition to controlling bleeding, these tubes help maintain the structure of the nose and its wall.

What should we expect after nose job?

generally speaking, most patients can expect to look “normal” after about three to four weeks

After rhinoplasty in Iran, bandages are placed inside and on the nose. These types of bandages are used to protect the nose and maintain its structure. The initial swelling subsides within a few weeks. But most doctors believe that it takes up to one year for the swelling of the nose to disappear completely after cosmetic surgery. During this time, you may notice gradual changes in the appearance of your nose. In most cases, swelling increases in the morning and decreases during the day.

The doctor will give you instructions regarding how to sleep after nose surgery. After the operation, you should rest well and place your head higher than the body. In this case, bleeding and swelling will decrease.

After 1 week of rhinoplasty, the doctor will remove the splint from your nose. After 2 weeks, the facial swelling subsides and most of the bruises disappear. 3 to 4 weeks after surgery you can start sports activities such as running, swimming and cycling. In the 6th week after the operation, the bones are stable and you can resume resistance exercises such as lifting weights, wearing glasses and blowing your nose. Finally, after 1 year of rhinoplasty surgery, the healing process is complete and the swelling has completely subsided, and the new shape of the nose will be perfect.

1. Bruise after rhinoplasty

During the recovery after rhinoplasty surgery, it is normal to have minor bleeding from the nose, swelling and bruising in the nose, upper lip, cheeks or around the eyes for several days after the surgery. Placing ice on the face, bridge of the nose, and eyes until tolerated helps reduce bruising, bleeding, and post-operative pain.

Remember not to place the cold compress directly on your nose and only on your forehead or cheek. Ice can affect blood flow to the skin and impair healing. In addition, any pressure applied to the nose can have an adverse effect.

2. Swelling of the nose after surgery

What are the steps to reduce swelling of the nose after cosmetic surgery? One of the complications of rhinoplasty is nasal edema. It is normal for a part of the body that is affected by the surgical blade to swell and bruise. But why swelling occurs in the nose? Does swelling occur only in the nose?

Facial swelling can be seen in the nose, under the eyes and above the lips. This is because the bones and soft tissues of the face have been damaged. Although nose surgery is cosmetic surgery and is done intentionally, it still damages the body to some extent. One of the responses and defense reactions of the body against physical damage is swelling.

3. nose pain

Pain after rhinoplasty may be a question for many people, most patients report relatively mild pain. In fact, nose surgery is not very painful, and in recovery after rhinoplasty in Iran, discomfort caused by nasal congestion is a more important issue. To control the pain, especially the pain of sinusitis and rhinoplasty, the doctor may prescribe some painkillers and painkillers. Rest is the most effective way to help you recover.

4. nasal congestion

Nasal congestion or stuffy nose with pressure on the sinuses is what you should expect when you wake up from anesthesia. Due to the presence of a bandage in the nasal passage, which is made of gauze impregnated with antibiotic ointment, your nose will be completely blocked and you will have to breathe through your mouth after the nose operation. Nasal obstruction will last for several days.

You will also have trouble smelling. You will probably feel some pressure in your ear or temple. After 7 days, this dressing should be removed from the nose. After the operation, the bridge of the nose is also covered with a splint. The splint helps to reduce the swelling of the nose and shape the nose.

One solution to relieve nasal congestion after cosmetic surgery and finning after rhinoplasty in Iran is to use a humidifier or vaporizer. You can place the vaporizer next to your bed while resting. This can not only soothe your nasal passages, but also soothe the phlegm in your throat after a nose job.

5. Avoiding the use of certain drugs

During 10 days before and after rhinoplasty surgery, aspirin or any product containing aspirin should not be consumed. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should not be taken within 7 days after surgery.

6. Diet after rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty in Iran, it is better to eat a light, soft and cool food. Avoid hot liquids for a few days. To avoid nausea and vomiting after the operation, it is better to start eating slowly. It should be remembered that a proper diet and enough rest will help you recover as quickly as possible. Make sure you get plenty of vitamin A and vitamin C from your diet.

7. Taking medications that are prescribed after rhinoplasty

Some patients vomit once or twice immediately after rhinoplasty. If nausea and vomiting persist, anti-nausea drugs are prescribed. Antibiotics are prescribed after surgery to prevent possible infections.

It is very important to take all prescribed pills as directed by your doctor. Complete the course of medication to the end. Allergic reactions to any of the drugs, such as skin rashes, should be reported to the doctor as soon as they are observed.

Do not take any other medicine without your doctor’s advice. Be sure to ask the specialist about the date of the next visit and get a phone number from your doctor in case of emergency. Probably 1 month and 6 months after the operation, the nose will be examined by a specialist and the amount of swelling and deformation will be evaluated.

8. How to sleep after nose job

Sleeping after rhinoplasty is a little difficult and this is normal. With all the bandages that exist in the breathing path and the blood that may come out of it, insomnia and bad sleep are normal. But there are solutions to improve it. After rhinoplasty, you need to change your sleeping habits. This change of position makes you feel comfortable in sleep and in fact it is better to say that it makes sleeping possible. It is better to sleep after a nosebleed by observing the following points;

  • To sleep, it is better to use the arched position. Lying on your back reduces the risk of nose damage due to impact on the sides. For more protection, pillows can be placed on both sides of the face and prevent possible injuries. It is better to keep the head up to 45 degrees with one or two small and soft pillows. This condition prevents further bleeding and reduces bruising and swelling.
  • Try putting an ice pack next to you. You can use a cold compress to improve your facial swelling. With the help of a cold compress, you can reduce inflammation and swelling, thereby reducing bruising and pain. Also, your recovery period will decrease.
  • Sleep away from others. It is better not to sleep on a double bed and next to each other because it can cause an accident and the hand of the person next to you will touch your nose and damage the bone.
  • Do not sleep on your stomach. Both your nose will be pressured and you will not feel well. Sleeping on your stomach can increase the bleeding and bruising of a nose job. Lowering the head after rhinoplasty is not recommended.

What are the cares after rhinoplasty?

Care after Rhinoplasty in Iran is very important. Follow the post-op instructions carefully to achieve the best results. The first three weeks after rhinoplasty are very important. Rest well for the first week after surgery and observe the following:

Avoid excessive talking, smiling, chewing hard foods, vigorous activities, lifting heavy objects, blowing your nose, and bending over.

When reading or writing, do not lower your head as much as possible.

Until the pain and swelling have subsided, try not to place the glass on the bridge of the nose when drinking liquids.

Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Because it may increase swelling and prolong recovery time.

Many rhinoplasty surgeons recommend that you refrain from sexual activity for the first 3 weeks after surgery.

You should not shower until the cast is removed from your nose (about 1 week after surgery).
You can wash the rest of your body and clean your face using a damp cloth.

Do not press your nose during the healing process. It is very important to protect the surgical area from anything that could put pressure on it or cause damage.

Some patients, especially women, wear makeup to cover up bruising around the nose and eyes. It is recommended not to wear makeup in the first few weeks after rhinoplasty.

Avoid forcing. If you are constipated, use a stool softener or a laxative.

Avoid eating spicy foods. Any irritation of the nose can cause complications.
It is recommended not to plan to travel until 3 weeks after the surgery for proper recovery after rhinoplasty.

Avoid sudden or intense movement of facial muscles in the first few weeks.

Avoid wearing sunglasses on your nose for at least one month after rhinoplasty to avoid putting pressure on your nose. This can have a negative effect on the soft tissue of the nose and the cartilage in it.

Nose massage after surgery

Since the nose retains fluid (for up to a year) following surgery, the massaging motions and compression help push the edema or tissue fluid out of the skin and subcutaneous tissues

The interesting thing is that nasal massage is recommended to reduce the swelling and bruising of the nose, and those who are looking for a way to remove this swelling and bruising in the shortest possible time, now there is such a way in front of them, and that is nasal massage!

But how can you perform nasal massage and what is nasal massage training after cosmetic surgery? Note that massaging the nose must be done in a special way, otherwise the harm will be greater than the benefit and it will damage your nose and the cosmetic surgery performed. Therefore, you should carefully make slow circular movements with your fingers on both sides of the nose.

Be careful not to do this too hard to avoid damaging your nose. Also, the movement of your hand should not reach the nasal bone. To learn nasal massage, it is better to ask your surgeon to perform a massage on your nose before you do rhinoplasty, so that you can learn exactly what to do after the operation. In some cases, nasal massage is not recommended, which the doctor will warn you if necessary.

Suggestions for a faster recovery from rhinoplasty

If you want to know when the nasal arch and the main shape of the nose will be determined after the operation? It must be said that without following the medical tips and recommendations, you will not get results soon. The following will help you heal faster after rhinoplasty:

It is recommended that you sleep with your head higher than your heart for the first few days after surgery. This can help your breathing return to normal faster, minimize swelling and improve blood flow.

It is recommended to sleep on your back after rhinoplasty surgery. During recovery, the nose will be soft and malleable. Therefore, it is better not to sleep on your stomach or side, because sleeping on your side after rhinoplasty can put pressure on the nose. This issue not only causes discomfort but also endangers the results of the operation.

With the removal of eye swelling and sensitivity to touch, you can use contact lenses if needed.

Exposure to smoke and dust may cause nasal irritation and infection.
Salt increases fluid retention and increases swelling during recovery. You can minimize swelling by following a low-sodium diet for the first 2 weeks after surgery.
To brush the upper teeth, move the toothbrush slowly. There may also be numbness of the teeth and palate for several months.

If there is no problem in terms of bleeding, you can resume sports and swimming after 3 weeks. Diving should be postponed for 2 months.

If you normally wear prescription glasses, you can choose other options, such as contact lenses, during your recovery period.

Always use SPF 30 or higher sunscreen on your nose when you go out during the recovery period. Because a lot of sunlight causes permanent and irregular changes on the skin of the surgical area. The same is true for any other surgery.
Try to sneeze through your mouth instead of your nose.

Precautions: Tell your doctor about the following

  • If you experience the following after rhinoplasty, see your nose surgeon:
  • Sudden increase in the amount of bleeding from the nose that does not resolve with pressure, ice and raising the head.
  • Fever more than 38.5 degrees Celsius, which continues despite increasing the amount of fluids received and the use of antipyretic medicine.
  • Persistent and sharp pain that is not relieved by the prescription of painkillers.
  • Increased swelling or redness in the nose or eyes.
  • Breathing problems and shortness of breath
  • Occurrence of symptoms that indicate blood clots in the leg or deep vein thrombosis. Such as: pain in the leg and back of the knee, pain in the thigh or groin, redness and swelling in the back of the leg or groin.
  • Loosening of sutures or opening of the surgical incision.
  • Bleeding from the surgical incision site.
  • Drainage of pus from the surgical incision site.

Who should not do rhinoplasty?

Or in other words, for whom is Rhinoplasty in Iran dangerous? People with diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases and high blood pressure are not good candidates for rhinoplasty. Apart from these, the possibility that patients with mental disorders cannot afford surgery should also be considered.

What is the price and cost of rhinoplasty in Iran in 2024?

One of the questions people ask at the time of consultation is what is the cost of nose surgery in Tehran in 2024? The cost of Rhinoplasty in Iran depends on various factors and each nose surgeon is priced according to the experience and equipment of the hospital or surgical clinic.

The cost of rhinoplasty in Iran in 2024 starts from approximately 1,000 euros and goes up to prices above 3,000 euros.
The cost of nose surgery at Adl Hospital, according to the best surgical and care facilities and equipment, is as follows

  • The cost of the first nose surgery is 1200 euros
  • The cost of the second nose surgery is 2000 euros
  • The cost of surgery for damaged noses is between 1,500 and 2,000 euros
  • The cost of ethnic nose surgery (East Asia and Africa) is 2000 euros

Usually, for nose surgery in Tehran, you need to stay in Tehran for 8 days
The cost of the hotel for 8 days varies between 160 and 600 euros depending on the type of hotel

The cost of blood test, heart consultation, CT scan and medicine is between 10 and 50 euros

جراحی بینی در استانبول

Before and After Rhinoplasty in Iran

Frequently asked questions about Rhinoplasty in Iran

It is better not to do vigorous physical activities for at least 4 weeks after the operation. Because exercise puts pressure on the nose and the scars may bleed. Be sure to consult your doctor about light sports. The doctor may suggest that you refrain from exercising for more than 4 weeks.

And how long does the pain last after nose surgery?
Each patient’s pain threshold is different, but most patients report relatively mild discomfort after surgery (between 36 and 72 hours).

In the standard case, one week after the surgery and removal of the nasal cast by the surgeon
One day for nose surgery tests
For cosmetic nose surgery in Iran, you need to stay in Iran for a total of 8 days
If you have less time for this purpose, you can talk to a surgeon to remove the nasal cast in your country.

The most important point in nose surgery is that the growth of the person’s bones must be complete. Otherwise, there is a possibility of changing the appearance of the nose after rhinoplasty. For this reason, a person must be over 18 years old for a doctor to perform nose surgery. Operations such as nasal deviation are performed with the doctor’s recommendation and improve breathing.

This type of operation is necessary for people who have deviated nasal septum and do not breathe easily. People who are looking for rhinoplasty should be examined by a doctor.

If the nose defects can be solved by surgery, surgery is performed. But sometimes the defects of the nose are very small and can be corrected with non-surgical methods.

And does it hurt to pull a nose stitch?

Removing the stitches depends on the doctor’s opinion and the healing rate of the wounds. Usually, the specialist removes the stitches after 5 to 7 days. Of course, absorbable sutures are used for intranasal incisions. These stitches are absorbed by themselves about 3 to 4 weeks after the operation and do not need to be pulled. But the sutures of the outer incisions are non-absorbable. Sutures are removed by the doctor and usually do not cause much pain.

After the nose operation and removal of the tampons, the nose surgeon advises you to wash the nose with serum. To wash the nose, you need to fill a syringe with serum and empty it slowly into both nostrils. This will remove old blood and secretions from the nose. During this time, no other method should be used for washing the nose except serum.

Rhinoplasty is not a simple surgery and you have to take a week off from work. You will feel better during the first week. Most people feel better one week after rhinoplasty and can do their daily activities as before.

Nasal glue helps shape the nose and reduce its swelling. According to the type of surgery and the condition of the patient, the doctor recommends using nasal tape for about 2 weeks to 2 months. Follow your doctor’s recommendations for washing your face with nasal spray.

Experts recommend that you keep your head up when sleeping and waking up for about 2 months after the operation.

Rhinoplasty usually takes 1.5 to 3 hours

Rhinoplasty can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the operation and the individual’s preference.

To remove the bruises and swelling after nose surgery, the doctor suggests using an ice compress. In addition, drinking celery juice can be very effective in reducing swelling.

Vitamin K is a blood coagulant and its consumption is recommended after nose surgery. Foods such as vegetables, carrot juice and pumpkin contain vitamin K and are effective in reducing bruising.

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