Forehead lift in Iran – Endoscopic price 2024

Forehead lift in Iran - Endoscopic price

Forehead lift in Iran

A forehead lift in Iran , also known as a brow lift, is a cosmetic procedure that aims to raise the brows and/or remove forehead wrinkles or worry lines that are a result of aging. The procedure can improve the appearance of the forehead, the brow, and the area around the eyes.

Here is a general overview of the procedure:

1. Consultation: The first step is a consultation with a plastic surgeon or cosmetic specialist. During this meeting, the surgeon will discuss the patient’s goals, evaluate the patient’s health, and explain the procedure, including its risks and benefits.

2. Preparation: Prior to surgery, patients may be asked to stop taking certain medications and to quit smoking. This is to help ensure the best possible healing process.

3. Procedure: The surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia. The surgeon will make an incision, usually along the hairline or in the scalp. The skin is then lifted, and any excess tissue causing the wrinkles or sagging brows is removed or adjusted. The incisions are then closed with sutures or clips.

4. Recovery: There is typically some swelling and bruising after the procedure, which should subside within a few weeks. Patients can usually return to work within 10 to 14 days, although strenuous activities should be avoided for at least a few weeks.

There are different types of brow lifts, including endoscopic brow lift, coronal brow lift, and temporal or limited incision brow lift. The type of brow lift surgery performed will depend on the patient’s specific needs and the surgeon’s recommendation.

As with any surgical procedure, a forehead lift carries some risk, including infection, scarring, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. It’s essential to discuss these risks and any concerns you may have with your surgeon before deciding on surgery.

Remember, this information is a general overview and may not include all aspects of forehead lift in Iran . Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for accurate information.

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Type of Forehead lift in Iran

There are several types of forehead lift in Iran (or brow lift) surgeries, each with its own techniques and benefits. The type of surgery chosen depends on the patient’s goals, their current condition, and the surgeon’s expertise. Here are the main types:

1. Endoscopic Brow Lift:

This is a less invasive procedure that uses a small camera, known as an endoscope, and special tiny instruments inserted through small incisions made within the hairline. The surgeon can see the tissues and muscles beneath the skin on a screen and perform the lift without needing to make a large incision. This technique usually results in less scarring and a shorter recovery period.

2. Coronal Brow Lift:

This is a more traditional approach where an incision is made from ear to ear across the top of the head, in the hair or hairline. The forehead skin is then lifted, and excess skin, fat, and tissue are removed. The remaining skin is repositioned to create a smoother appearance. While this method may provide more dramatic results, it also involves more extensive scarring and longer recovery time.

3. Temporal or Limited Incision Brow Lift:

This is a hybrid procedure that uses techniques from both the endoscopic and coronal brow lift. Incisions are made above each temple and in the scalp. This procedure is often performed in conjunction with upper eyelid surgery to help smooth the outer part of the brow line as well as the crow’s feet area.

4. Direct Brow Lift:

This technique involves making incisions right above the eyebrows and removing a small amount of skin and tissue. While this method leaves more visible scars, it may be a good option for older patients who have heavy, sagging brows and do not need to address issues in the forehead area.

5. Non-Surgical Brow Lift:

For those hesitant about surgery, non-surgical methods like Botox or dermal fillers may be an option. These treatments can help to lift the brow and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but the results are temporary and less dramatic than surgical procedures.

Each method has its own set of pros and cons, and the best method depends on the patient’s individual needs, their overall health, and the surgeon’s recommendation. It’s always important to discuss all the options and potential risks with a qualified surgeon to make an informed decision about the best approach for you.

Cost of endoscopic forehead lift in Iran

The cost of forehead lift surgery in Iran depends on the following factors

Surgeon’s salary
Surgeons with more experience usually get paid more

The cost of a hospital or surgery clinic
Depending on the equipment and facilities of the hospital, you will have a different cost

Health status of the applicant
If you have an underlying disease, special care may be required and the cost will increase

Forehead lift repair surgery
If you have already done a forehead lift surgery, the surgery may be more difficult and you have to pay more

Usually 8 days stay is enough for forehead lift surgery in Iran
The cost of hotel and accommodation will be added to your expenses

Other costs of forehead lift surgery in Iran

  • Cost of blood test (about 10 to 15 euros)
  • The cost of heart consultation (if you are over 40 years old or have a heart problem, you need to consult a cardiologist) The cost of heart consultation is about 35 euros)

The cost of a forehead lift in Iran (including surgeon and hospital fees) is between 1,300 and 2,300 euros

The cost of a forehead lift in Adl Hospital is 1600 euros

Endoscopic forehead lift in Iran

An endoscopic forehead lift, also known as an endoscopic brow lift, is a surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the forehead and brow area. This minimally invasive technique uses an endoscope, a surgical device with a light and a small camera, to guide the surgeon’s work.

Here is a general breakdown of the procedure:

Consultation: The first step is a consultation with a plastic surgeon or cosmetic specialist. The surgeon will discuss the patient’s goals, evaluate the patient’s health, and explain the procedure, including its risks and benefits.

Preparation: Prior to surgery, patients may be asked to stop taking certain medications and to quit smoking. This is to help ensure the best possible healing process.


1. Anesthesia: The procedure usually begins with the administration of anesthesia. This could be intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the surgeon’s and patient’s preference.

2. Incisions: The surgeon makes several short incisions (cuts) behind the hairline. The exact number and placement of incisions can vary depending on the specific needs of the patient.

Forehead lift in Iran - Endoscopic price
Forehead lift in Iran – Endoscopic price

3. Insertion of the Endoscope: The surgeon then inserts the endoscope into one of the incisions. The camera on the endoscope transmits images to a monitor, allowing the surgeon to see beneath the skin without making a large incision.

4. Adjusting Tissues: Using another instrument inserted through a different incision, the surgeon can adjust the muscles and tissues beneath the skin, lifting the forehead and brows and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

5. Closing Incisions: The incisions are generally closed with stitches or clips. Because the incisions are small and made within the hairline, scarring is minimal.

Forehead lift in Iran
Forehead lift in Iran


Some swelling and bruising can be expected after the procedure, but these generally subside within a couple of weeks. Most patients can return to work or normal activities within a week or two, although strenuous activities should be avoided for a few weeks.


As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with an endoscopic forehead lift, including infection, scarring, and reactions to anesthesia. Other risks specific to this procedure can include hair loss along the scar edges, elevated brows, or asymmetry in the brow position.

As always, it’s important to have a thorough discussion with your surgeon about the risks and benefits of any surgery. Despite these risks, many people find that an endoscopic forehead lift can significantly improve their appearance and boost their self-confidence.

Recovery After endoscopic forehead lift in Iran

The recovery time after an endoscopic forehead lift can vary based on the individual’s health and healing process. However, here is a general timeline and tips for recovery:

Immediate Post-Op:

After surgery, your forehead may be loosely wrapped to minimize swelling. A small tube might also be placed to drain any excess blood or fluid. You should arrange for someone to drive you home and stay with you for at least the first night.

First Few Days:

You’re likely to experience some swelling and bruising, which should peak about two days after the surgery. Keeping your head elevated can help reduce swelling, and cold compresses can also help ease discomfort. Pain can often be controlled with prescription or over-the-counter pain medications, as recommended by your doctor.

1-2 Weeks:

Stitches or staples used to close the incisions are usually removed within one to two weeks. Most people feel ready to return to work and daily activities within 10 to 14 days post-surgery. You should avoid strenuous activities or anything else that might increase blood pressure, as this could lead to bleeding.

Several Weeks:

Most of the visible signs of surgery should fade over the next few weeks. You might experience numbness and itching as nerves regrow, which is a normal part of the recovery process.


Scars are usually well-hidden in the hair and begin to fade over time. Final results are typically noticeable in several months as swelling resolves and the incisions heal completely.

It’s important to follow all postoperative instructions provided by your surgeon, including care for the surgical site, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection, and when to follow up with your surgeon.

Remember, everyone heals at their own pace. If you have any concerns during your recovery, don’t hesitate to contact your healthcare provider. It’s also important to keep in mind that while a forehead lift can help you look younger and more rested, it does not stop the normal aging process. You may need touch-up procedures to maintain your desired appearance.

Best candidate for Forehead lift in Iran

The best candidates for a forehead lift (or brow lift) are typically individuals who:

1. Have a Positive Outlook and Realistic Expectations:

Understanding what the surgery can and can’t do is important. A forehead lift can help improve the appearance of the forehead and brow, but it won’t fundamentally change your appearance or solve personal problems.

2. Are Generally Healthy:

Candidates should be in good overall health. Certain conditions, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood clotting problems, or the ability to heal poorly can make surgery more risky.

3. Do Not Smoke:

Smoking can interfere with the healing process. Surgeons often require patients to quit smoking at least a few weeks before surgery.

4. Show Signs of Aging or Stress in the Forehead Area:

These signs might include sagging brows, furrow lines between the eyebrows or across the top of the nose, and frown lines or wrinkles across the forehead.

5. Are at Least in Their 40s or Older:

A forehead lift is most commonly performed on people in their 40s to 60s, but can also help individuals with inherited traits, such as a low, heavy brow or furrowed lines above the nose. It can be done at any age.

6. Are Not Pregnant or Nursing:

Pregnancy and nursing can affect the healing process and the results of the surgery.

Remember, each individual is different, and what makes a good candidate can vary. It’s important to have a thorough consultation with a trusted cosmetic surgeon who can evaluate your health and discuss your goals to determine if a forehead lift is the right choice for you.

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