Breast lift in Iran – (Mastopexy) Surgery & Recovery 2024

Breast lift in Iran

Breast lift in Iran

Breast lift in Iran, also known as mastopexy, is a procedure that raises and firms the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.

Reasons for Considering a Breast lift

Women may opt for a breast lift procedure for a variety of reasons, including:

– Changes in the breasts due to aging, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or heredity, which could lead to a loss of skin elasticity, resulting in sagging breasts.
– Dissatisfaction with the loss of youthful shape and firmness of the breasts.


The specific method used for a breast lift procedure can vary and may depend on:

– Breast size and shape
– The size and position of the areolas
– The degree of breast sagging
– Skin quality and elasticity as well as the amount of extra skin

Here’s a general idea of how the procedure might go:

1. Anesthesia: The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia.

2. Incisions: The surgeon will make one or more incisions in the breast. There are three common incision patterns: around the areola, around the areola and vertically down from the areola to the breast crease, or an inverted T or anchor-shaped incision pattern.

3. Reshaping: The underlying breast tissue is lifted and reshaped, the nipple and areola are repositioned, and if necessary, enlarged areolas are reduced by excising skin at the perimeter.

4. Closing the Incisions: The incisions are brought together to reshape the now uplifted breast. Sutures are layered deep within the breast tissue to create and support the newly shaped breasts.

5. Recovery: The recovery process will vary for each patient, but common post-surgery steps include wearing a support bra to minimize swelling and support the breasts as they heal.

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Like any major surgery, a breast lift comes with risks. These may include:

– Scarring
– Asymmetry in the size or shape of the breasts
– Changes in nipple or breast sensation, which can be temporary or permanent
– Anesthesia risks
– Bleeding or infection
– Difficulty or inability to breastfeed

Before deciding to undergo a breast lift procedure, it’s important to discuss these potential risks and any other concerns with a healthcare provider.


It’s crucial to remember that while a breast lift can significantly improve the appearance of the breasts, the results are not entirely permanent. As a result of gravity and aging, the breasts will likely start to sag again. A breast lift can also not significantly change the size of your breasts or round out the upper part of your breast. If you want your breasts to look fuller, you might want to consider breast lift and breast augmentation surgery. If you want smaller breasts, you might want to consider combining breast lift and breast reduction surgery.

Lastly, make sure to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has extensive experience with breast lift procedures to ensure you achieve the best possible outcome.

ADL Hospital VIP Room
ADL Hospital VIP surgery ward

cost of breast lift in Iran ?

The cost of breast lift surgery in Iran depends on the following factors

Surgeon’s salary
Surgeons with more experience usually get paid more

The cost of a hospital or surgery clinic
Depending on the equipment and facilities of the hospital, you will have a different cost

Health status of the applicant
If you have an underlying disease, special care may be required and the cost will increase

Breast reconstruction surgery
If you have already had breast surgery, the surgery may be more difficult and more expensive

Usually, 8 days stay is enough for breast lift in Iran
The cost of hotel and accommodation will be added to your expenses

Other costs of breast lift in Iran

  • Cost of blood test (about 10 to 15 euros)
  • Cost of mammography or breast ultrasound (about 10 to 20 euros)
  • The cost of a special bra after surgery (about 20 to 30 euros)
  • The cost of heart consultation (if you are over 40 years old or have a heart problem, you need to consult a cardiologist) The cost of heart consultation is about 35 euros)

Usually, the cost of breast lift surgery in Iran (including surgeon and hospital fees) is between 1,400 and 2,000 euros

The cost of breast lift in Adl Hospital is 1500 euros

What can you expect from breast lift in Iran

A breast lift, or mastopexy, can rejuvenate your figure with a breast profile that is more youthful and uplifted. It’s important to have a clear understanding of what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.

Before breast lift in Iran

Before the surgery, you will have a consultation with your surgeon. This is your chance to discuss your aesthetic goals, ask any questions you may have and go over your medical history. The surgeon will also explain the procedure in detail and may conduct a physical examination.

During Surgery

The surgery itself usually takes between 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on the extent of the lift required and whether any additional procedures (such as breast augmentation or reduction) are being performed concurrently. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia, so you’ll be asleep and won’t feel any pain or discomfort.

After Surgery

After the surgery, your breasts will be bandaged, and you may be required to wear a surgical bra. Some swelling, bruising, and discomfort is normal, and pain medication can help manage any soreness.

Recovery after breast lift in Iran

Recovery varies for each patient but generally speaking:

– First Few Days: It’s common to feel tired and to have breast pain, and swelling. Your doctor will advise you on pain management.

– First Few Weeks: Gradually, the swelling will subside, and you’ll start to see the new shape of your breasts. You’ll need to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for at least a few weeks. Most people can return to work within a week or two.

– Long-Term: The final shape of your breasts will settle over a few months. Incision lines, although permanent, will continue to fade over time.


The results of a Breast lift in Iran are immediately visible. Over time, post-surgical swelling will resolve and incision lines will fade. Satisfaction with your new image should continue to grow as you recover and realize the fulfillment of your goal for breasts which have been restored to a more youthful and uplifted position.

It’s important to know that while a breast lift can significantly improve the appearance of the breasts, the results are not entirely permanent. The breasts will likely start to sag again over time due to gravity and aging. Significant weight fluctuations can also affect the results.


As with any surgery, there are risks. These include scarring, changes in nipple or breast sensation, asymmetry in the size or shape of the breasts, bleeding, infection, and anesthesia risks. Before deciding to undergo a breast lift procedure, it’s important to discuss these potential risks and any other concerns with your healthcare provider.

As you consider your options, remember that the specific results of any cosmetic procedure will vary from person to person. It’s important to have realistic expectations and to remember that a breast lift is about improvement, not perfection.

breast lift incision

Breast lift surgery, or mastopexy, involves incisions in specific patterns on the breasts to allow the surgeon to remove excess skin and reshape the remaining tissue. The specific pattern of the incision can depend on the size of the breasts, the degree of sagging, and the patient’s individual goals and anatomy.

breast lift incision in Iran
breast lift incision in Iran

There are typically three types of incision techniques used in Breast lift in Iran:

1. Peri-Areolar or “Donut” Lift:

This method involves a circular incision around the edge of the areola. This technique is often used for women who have a mild degree of sagging or for areola reduction. It can also be combined with breast augmentation or reduction.

2. Vertical or “Lollipop” Lift:

This method involves two incisions; one around the edge of the areola, and another running vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the inframammary fold (the crease beneath the breast). This technique allows the surgeon to remove excess skin and reshape the entire breast with easily hidden scars.

3. Inverted T or “Anchor” Lift:

This technique is used for women with a severe degree of sagging and involves three incisions: one around the edge of the areola, one vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the breast crease, and one along the inframammary fold. This allows for the most dramatic reshaping.

All of these incision techniques will result in some scarring, although the scars often fade over time and can be hidden under a bra or bikini top. The choice of incision depends on your current breast shape and size, the size and position of your areolas, the degree of breast sagging, skin quality and elasticity, and how much extra skin you have.

Your surgeon will discuss the best incision method for you based on these factors and your desired outcome. Remember, it is important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in breast lift procedures to ensure the best possible result.

Can you provide more information about the recovery process after breast lift in Iran?

Absolutely, I can provide more information about the recovery process following a breast lift surgery.

The recovery process after a Breast lift in Iran varies with every individual, but here’s a general timeline and what you might expect:

Immediately After Surgery

Right after the surgery, your breasts will be bandaged or placed in a surgical bra. You might also have a thin tube inserted in each breast to drain any excess blood or fluid. You may feel sore and swollen for at least a few days.

Your surgeon may prescribe medication to manage pain and antibiotics to prevent infection.

The First Few Days

You’ll need to rest and take it easy for a few days. You may need help with some daily tasks, like cooking, bathing, and childcare. You’ll be advised to sleep on your back to avoid pressure on your breasts.

The First Few Weeks

You’ll likely be able to return to work and resume most of your normal activities within a week or two, depending on how you’re healing and the nature of your job. You’ll need to avoid strenuous activities, especially those that might raise your pulse and blood pressure, or which require strenuous use of your arms and chest.

You’ll also need to wear a support bra for the first month or so after surgery. This helps to minimize swelling and support your breasts as they heal.


Swelling should gradually subside over the first few months and the incision lines will fade. You’ll start to see the final shape of your breasts emerge.

It’s important to attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon, and to report any changes or concerns you might have.


Incision lines are permanent, but will continue to fade over time. The scars can be hidden under swimsuits and bras. Your surgeon may recommend certain creams or ointments to use after you’ve healed to help scars fade.

Results Maintenance

Maintaining a stable, healthy weight can help maintain your results. Significant weight gain or weight loss can cause changes in your breast lift results. Aging and gravity will eventually alter the size and shape of virtually every woman’s breasts.

In terms of sensitivity, while some people report a change in nipple sensation after a breast lift, this is often temporary. For most, sensation returns over weeks or months after the procedure.

Remember, everyone’s experience with recovery is unique, and it’s important to keep an open line of communication with your healthcare provider to ensure your recovery is on track. Always follow your surgeon’s specific post-operative instructions for the best outcome.

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